Monday 18 May 2015

aidan - Jibidi 2010.MPG

We've had a lot of families ask us about our dance the keen dancers are bringing the language and moves home with them! We explore this idea of social dance moves in our daily Kūpapa group experience... where a kaiako member facilitates a group of group games and/or music so we find a whole range of ways to develop  social understandings and musical concepts. Here's a clip of a french folk dance from You tube ( not us obviously) that we sometimes use to help teach the moves and the way we should respond to instrumental musical cues. We have a lot of keen Jibidi dancers at present!  We're sure you will all be folk dancing at home too......:) should we apologise in advance?


  1. The children love starting up their own Jibidi sessions throughout the day and there are always willing participants who rush to join in at the first sounds of the music! The more experienced use the opportunity to mentor newcomers. Lots of physical ideas of coordination are explored and the brain gets a workout too as dancers listen for the change in the music to tell them what to do next.

  2. this is Jibidi! Alice keeps asking to do it at home :)

  3. Any chance of doing a video of the northland kindy kids doing it? That would be so lovely to see!

  4. That sounds like fun..... it will depend on the permissions of the players families.....:)
