Monday 24 October 2016

Play spaces Policy

It seems the Wellington City council is reviewing their.........

Playgrounds Policy 2002 - to make sure play spaces in Wellington City are well managed and planned for. This closes on the 18th of November. A revised Playgrounds Policy will:

  • help us deliver our vision of a child and youth-friendly city
  • mean that we can be strategic when deciding the number, placement and quality of playgrounds in Wellington
  • allow us to refocus on what is important when planning new playgrounds and upgrading existing ones
  • help us identify key projects and initiatives


  • increasing the number of formal play spaces (playgrounds) to a maximum of 111 (from 107) evenly spread around the city
  • improving the wider park and user experience (eg improving accessibility or creating more usable space) when replacing play equipment and safety surfacing 
  • keeping a network of six formal skate facilities and considering minor improvements to each in partnership with the community; the Nairnville Park ramp will be removed 
  • providing a network of 23 outdoor courts (a mix of half and full-sized) for informal use around the city 
  • keep on working with schools and communities when play spaces need to be renewed or new ones are planned
  • focusing on programming and advocacy to get more people playing outdoors more often and promoting the ‘city as a play space’.
  • play space principles and standards and the playground categories will guide what each play space looks like and who it caters for
  • 3 categories of formal playground:
A premium playground that attracts residents, visitors and tourists, and services the city and region. Regionally unique and a celebration of place, centrally located, easy to get to and able to accommodate a longer stay with amenities such as toilets, parking, drinking water and structures for shade and shelter. Provides both formal and informal play opportunities for all ages, with spaces to gather and meet and natural landscape features to explore. May have art installations or other hard landscape features that offer opportunities for incidental play.
Ideally located in community parks or near neighbourhood centres and mainly servicing the immediate neighbourhood and local community within about 800m walking distance. Enough activities to keep children and/or youth entertained for at least an hour with places to gather and meet. Unique or with a point of difference to other community playgrounds around the city and designed to encourage exploration of the natural environment as space and location permits.
A handy place for a quick play that services the local community (within about 600m walking distance) with a focus on play equipment for younger children. Likely to be a smaller space, but wherever possible there will be provision for kick-about space and nature play

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